(by Roman Piso, 07-17-10)

To begin with, first we need to know just "who" Jesus was. As a dedicated researcher of this subject I did find out the truth of the matter. I found that like had been suspected by several other people who had likewise researched this, Flavius Josephus was the prime suspect. But then, just "who" was Flavius Josephus? Was he who he would lead his readers to believe, or was he really someone else writing with a pen name or using an alias? We found that out as well. This was a very long and sometimes tough journey through so many twists and turns, some very surprising - others were not so surprising. To reach the point in the research where we could be confident in our conclusions we had to make certain that we understood as much as possible about the people and motives of the time, as well as many other things.

In my own personal research, I found that there were connections between the works of Flavius Josephus and the New Testament texts. Some of these were so obvious that I wondered just why these had not been picked up on by scholars before. Some of them, I know, were. But also, I realized that many so-called scholars were biased by their own personal beliefs. In other words, they were religious and did not want to see what was right there in front of them. There were some scholars who were not afraid of the truth and who did not ignore it. They wrote about what they found. One of these scholars was Bruno Bauer.

Bruno Bauer wrote about the various connections and similarities that he had found within the texts of Flavius Josephus and the New Testament texts. He also saw connections between various writers of history in the first and second century CE. With his research as a basis there was a starting point for those who had not yet discovered or understood the real and true meaning of these connections. So, what would this mean? It means, in essence that Christianity is a lie, that it was a fabrication created by and placed into 'history' by a certain group of people. But then, we have to ask WHY? That is why we had to start to research motives and with Josephus exposed as at least one of the main culprits, we needed to focus our attention upon him, as well as his friends and relatives.

The problem is that writing as Josephus, he does not speak about his friends and relatives (for the most part) in an outright fashion. That requires us to deduce this information from the information that he DID provide. With a strong connection already made between the works of Josephus and the NT, we can then look to some of that information possibly having been inserted into the NT texts themselves. If we then think of Flavius Josephus and of 'Jesus' as being the same person, then we can start to build a composite profile of this person. We did that. And, we had to likewise do this very same thing for all of his relatives and those other persons who had been a party to the creation of Christianity. We could begin this by looking at those who made mention of 'Jesus' in their works for a start.

Who do we find who made mention of Christ or Christians in first and second century history (i.e. apparently non-Christian sources)? We begin to make a list and begin with the first one we know of to make mention of Jesus. That is Flavius Josephus. Again, we build a profile of information about him, statistics, etc. But even before we find a direct mention of Christ or Christians, we find a connection in the works of Seneca. This was noted by Bruno Bauer. It is his philosophic view and statements that will later echo through the New Testament that shows his link to this. So, he is on the list as well. One thing to be aware of before making this list is that it is better to list ALL known writers of the time and then work through them to see which have the strongest connections, whether by mention of Christ or Christians, or by other connections that are less clear. And so, this is what we did.

Another writer that makes mention of Christians is Pliny The Younger. He writes as if he is against Christianity, but in reality, his mention and presentation of it before the public was done on purpose - to promote it, to make it known via historic literature. And then we also see Christ referred to and placed into a historical context by Suetonius. So, right here, we have connections between several writers. Now we need to determine just how these people are related. Once we understand that these people were not using their real names, but rather aliases, we have to learn just how to find out who they really were. As we read their writings and understand just what it is that they are trying to do, we then are able to see the motives which underlie their writings. These motives, help us to understand what group of people they belong to. All of these writers, with the exception of Josephus, present themselves to us as Romans. Why not Josephus?

The truth is that he too, is actually a Roman. But, he was indeed, related to and thus had a connection to, the royal Herodian family - and that is why he felt that he had a right to present himself as a 'Jew'. He is supposedly a Jew who had converted to a Roman life after having been captured by Titus. Note the similarity too, between Josephus starting out as a Jew and 'Jesus' having started out as s Jew; both change from being Jews to a more Roman lifestyle. If one reads and understands just what it is that Christianity is trying to do with its tenets and examples, then it becomes clear that Christianity was an attempt to Romanize the masses; to get them to better accept the conditions that aristocratic Romans wanted them to live in. Nowhere, in any place in the New Testament, does 'Jesus' EVER make a statement against slavery, for example. Instead, he says to accept it, saying that the 'reward' for believers is in heaven. He says this, knowing full well that there is no heaven and no continuing on after death, and thus, no way for anyone to know that this is a lie and after they have lived this way and died, it is too late.

At the time that the New Testament was being written, there were many things going on. Many things that could have taken down Rome and the aristocratic lifestyle that wealthy Romans were used to. There were uprisings of slaves, and so, these had to be put down by some means and Christianity was an answer for that. People were demanding to be treated fairly and equally, they wanted basic human rights and a fair government. The leaders of the Jews could not yet expose themselves as non-believers in their own religion, but were trying to do so incrementally by their own writings, trying to wean people off of religion through their own philosophic writings and through education. They were in fact, working towards change, but a change that would be good for all humanity and which would finally free people from the kind of life that they had known up to that time. The leaders of the Jews were trying to free up, liberate the minds of the masses, while those who were creating Christianity were doing the opposite.

These leaders of the Jews that I speak of were the leaders of two of the three sects of Jews at the time. In my research I found that the leaders of the Pharisees were the main "good guys" of the time, they were doing the most good in a proactive way. They were educating people and speaking out against cruelty and slavery. They were forcing change for the better for the masses. They were willing to put their own lives on the line to help this change take place. They were leading the way and the other two sects had to figure out where they stood amidst this. The Essene leadership effectively disbanded that sect for all intents and purposes (at least in terms of the more radical teachings and practices that they once had), and joined the Pharisees in a more passive role. Which left the Sadducees. The Sadducees were led by the Herodians. The Sadducean leadership were wealthy aristocrats who wanted to continue in that lifestyle and keep the status quo. They were losing ground in terms of their devotees and believers, because as people were learning more and more about how to escape the horrible lifestyle and living conditions that they had thus far known, they joined with those who were showing them a better way - the Pharisees.

This meant that the Sadducees, and thus, the Herodians, were losing favor with the masses over which they were used to having some good measure of control. They were also losing the basis of much of their wealth through the loss of Temple attendees and supporters. Offerings and sacrifices were dwindling and that which the Herodians and their Sadducean leadership were once getting from the masses were being placed in the hands of the Pharisees instead. Plans for an ultimate war between these two factions were in preparation. Now, once we have the big picture behind all of this, things become much clearer, don't they? Those who had a lot to lose HAD to find some way to regain the control and power that they once had over the masses. That was the motive for the creation of Christianity.

Now, again, we have begun to compile a list of who was on what side of all of this. We have begun putting together our profiles of these people in order to discover their true identities. If we know the course that history took in all of this, that too helps. What we find is that there was no blanket 'side' to all of this. It was not ALL Romans or all Roman leaders who were on one side or another, nor was it ALL Jews or Jewish leadership. There were factions among both. And that is what makes this all so much more complex, but not impossible. As a rule, the Julian Caesars were not letting the bad guys have what they wanted. That is why when the bad guys finally did away with the last of them (Nero), they demonized him in their histories. Likewise, they also demonized the others who were against them. Knowing this too, also helps us to have a better picture of all of this.

The profiles that we have built for each of these individuals are essential in discovering their true identities. We needed to find out as much as possible about each of them. By finding more and more of the most vital statistics, we were then able to find out many of the more fine details about them. We could then place each to places and times, and eliminate those who did not fit the right profile. As we did this, we were able to better sort out the data and refine our searches. Once we were able to find their true names, we could them find when they a) were born, b) their lifespan, and c) the date of their deaths. Knowing this too, then made more and more clearer. We could follow the career of each, find their family members, etc. And we found too, that each of these would use more than one alias. For each new alias or name that we found for each of these, more information could be known about them to the point where we would know each of them very well.

We discovered that a) 'Jesus' was created and played by the person who was writing histories as Flavius Josephus. And that b) this Flavius Josephus was an alias for a person whose true name was Arrius Piso. He c) was a Roman who was of Jewish decent on his mother's side. He d) was also related to those who were responsible for destroying the Temple in Jerusalem and who took over Rome after Nero was replaced. There is so much to all of this that it will take many, many books to detail our findings and expose the truth of what really happened to the world once and for all. A basic understanding is in order for now. Again, just to restate this, Christianity did not happen in the way that people have been led to believe. It was not an honest and open happening by true believers following a real Jesus. It was a deliberate lie and done in a dishonest way for bad purposes, by extremely bad people.

Arrius Piso, we have found, was a psychopath. We find evidence of this in his writings as Flavius Josephus and in the way that he went about all of this to get his way through his New Testament writings. Most people do not know much at all about psychopaths or the things that they do or how it is that they get things that they want. A psychopath will pretend to be the best person ever and charm their way to get what they want. They can paint up and color things so that you will never know just what they are doing or what they really want of you. They are masters of deception. They have no conscience. They can have multiple personalities. They can be very difficult to see for what they are, and are very difficult to understand. They are NOT like a normal person. They prey upon normal people and see them as weak and as people to victimize. They are very egotistic. They seek power and control. Throughout most of the time that humanity has gone through history, psychopaths were not identified as such and hardly anything at all was known about them. They were not really even studied until fairly recent times. Suffice it to say that Arrius Calpurnius Piso was a much more dangerous psychopath then Hitler. Hitler was like a mere schoolboy by comparison.


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